The Kt we loved

The Kt we loved
"I just might hurt you if you don't move that camera." — Kt

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Law and Order: Whoville

Another one Katie would have loved:
If you don't get it, go watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas immediately! (Yes, there are grown-up Americans who have never seen it. We don't know how they've survived to adulthood without having done so, but they do exist.)

Merry Christmas to all, eh?

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Three Filled

I’m a day late getting this posted, but yesterday Katie would have turned 27. (If you don’t understand the title, it’s time to (re)read Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land—“three filled” is 27.)

We were watching the news a couple of weeks ago, a segment on the fires that destroyed Paradise, California, and Anita commented, “We’re so lucky!” Her point was that we generally don’t have natural disasters like fires and tornadoes here.

Of course she then stopped and asked, “Are we lucky?” Because of course “luck” comes in various flavors and degrees. And that question has been pinballing around my head ever since.

Overall, I think we have been pretty lucky. We have each other, and a very comfortable life, and that’s more than far too many people can claim.

But most of all, we were lucky to have almost 19 years of Katie.

And that’s my thought for the day.