The Kt we loved

The Kt we loved
"I just might hurt you if you don't move that camera." — Kt

Friday, February 14, 2020

Excellent quote

From American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins:
In the months to come, Luca will sometimes wish he hadn’t squandered these early days of his grief. He’ll wish he’d let it pierce and demolish him more. Because, as the forgetting part takes anchor and stays, it will feel like a treachery. He’ll mistakenly believe it’s his own cowardice erasing Papi’s details—the mole above his left eyebrow, the tight, rough little curls of his hair, the timbre of his voice when he laughs, the sandpaper feel of his jaw against Luca’s forehead when they read together at night in Luca’s bed. But Luca doesn’t know any of that yet, nor does he know that, no matter what he does right now, that creeping amnesia is inevitable, it’s not his fault.
I thought this captured nicely how the feeling of distance from a grief event makes you feel bad about that distance, even as you recognize and appreciate its benefit.